Sunday, November 27, 2016

  1. Llanger mentions “audible actions” in paragraph 13. What are they, and why are they important?- Audible actions are like calming noises, or stimuli that kind of put you in a certain mood. They are important for calming people down, or getting someone to focus. 
  2. What is a phoneme, and how does it differ from lalling- A phoneme is like two words that look the same but have completely different meanings, its the units of sound that distinguish one word from another. Lalling is when your speech has a kind of staggering to it, and your words don't sound right. One of these you can pretty much control, the other just has to do with how the words look
  3. What does the term Gestalt mean in paragraph 16?) -gestalt is a new variable that makes something exaggerated, or more complex than it seems.
  4. Postman says that metaphor is “an organ of perception” (para. 6). How can metaphor be an organ of perception?- it helps people understand better by comparing one thing to something more simple
  5. Why does Postman raise the question of over- and underachievers in schools?- tests are taken in many ways, and in varying times. people have different learning abilities. Thus, different ways of learning are needed. 
  6. What territory do you map on a daily basis? What words help you map that territory?-On a daily basis I also map reality of a college student. Words that help me are love, and care. I know people that love and care about me want me to do good as this college student.

Sunday, November 20, 2016


1. Define the word idols in the sense that Bacon seems to use it. Is the word idol a good term to use. for the idea that lies behind it?
- Bacon does not use the word idol as most people would today. He explains idols to be tiny impressions of the mind that are merely phantoms or illusions. Today we think of idols as something good like a well known celebrity, a religious figure, or some type of model of something good. 

2. Compare the importance of one idol with that of another. Is it possible to determine which is more likely to prevent the acquisition of true knowledge?
- The idol of the tribe allows people to have their own opinion and understanding. People can see things together, and associate their meaning. The idols of the marketplace allows people to interact and form ideas together; however, this can be bad because some information can be wrong or misunderstood. 
3. Which of the idols are the results of social intercourse, and which are the results of individual reflection? Would a person be more likely to be free of the tyranny of the idols if he/she were restricted in society? Is it possible that a hermit would be completely free of the idols? Or would he become more free the more he socialized?
- The marketplace and theatre idols are the results of social intercourse. the tribe, and cave idols are the results of individual reflection. I think that there will always be tyranny, you cant free yourself by just becoming a hermit. We have to socialize, and come up with our own idols by learning. 

1. Define the phrase the survival of the fittest (the title of this chapter in a later edition of On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection). Look for ways in which its implications can be fully understood. Look, also, for examples by which it can be illustrated.
- survival of the fittest revolves around which species is most responsive to change, and can adapt the best. 
2. Compare the breeding of animals with natural selection. Which is more directed? Which is more dominated by chance? Which is more efficient? Which is more important?
- The breeding of animals is more directed because humans can chose which animals breed together. Natural selection is more dominated by chance, because crossbreeding can occur. I think that natural selection is more efficient. It allows animals to breed freely. The breeding of animals is important because it keeps things from becoming extinct. 
3. How does cloning affect Darwin’s views? Is cloning likely to undo the beneficial work of natural selection?
- I think that Darwin would have liked the idea of cloning. It lets humans be stronger and to inherit certain traits that they want them to have. I think cloning and natural selection are similar because, with both, you want the best of the best. But, they definitely are not the same thing.
4. How does human social policy affect the survival of the fittest? Are modern medicine and modern social welfare agencies causing humans to be less fit? 
- Medicine and welfare agencies are not causing humans to be less fit. I think that instead of them trying to make humans less fit, they are aiming at making them better or stronger.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Discoveries and the Mind

1. I think our senses are very important. They represent how people perceive things in different ways. Plato believes that people fail to see the realities of things. He believes that our senses are an illusion.
2. Senses are not materialistic, they are feelings and perceptions. I think we use our senses to form knowledge, facts, and common sense. 
3. I think that people already live life through senses. For example: a blind person can only learn from hearing, touching, tasting, and smelling. 
4. If I had to be able to choose a sixth sense I would want to be able to talk and communicate with animals. 

1. I think some dreams can be significant in understanding something, because they reflect different areas of life and our feelings. You can dream about life events and that can give you clarity about where you are in life and what you can be. 
2. Dreams that mystify me are the ones where deceased loved ones show up. It almost makes you feel like they are trying to send you a message. 
3. I love horror movies, but the dreams that frighten me most are dreams that could be real. For example: the purge movie, robberies, getting murdered on campus, getting my car stuck on a train track, etc. 
4. I believe that we don't remember our dreams because the special memory neurons we have when we are awake are not fully active when we are asleep. This makes unwanted or irrelevant info become forgotten. 
5. Dreaming is a mental activity. In the middle of sleep we enter REM ( restless eye movement). this is when our brain has the most activity. 

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Virginia Woolf:

1. It is useful to point out that this essay was originally delivered to women students at two Oxford colleges. Ask your students to identify what evidence there is to suggest Woolf was aware of the nature of her audience.
- It is obvious that Woolf wrote this essay for all women. She advocates that women everywhere should be able to  realize their full potential and not let society hold them back.
2. What do the chapter headings from Trevelyan’s History of England (para. 6) reveal about historians’ concerns?
- Historians were concerned with many things; however, The headings suggest that Trevelyan never expressed his guilt about famine being the effective mechanism for reducing surplus population.
3. What would Woolf propose as the most important changes in society that would alter the situation most talented women find themselves in? Why does talent make a woman’s situation especially difficult?
- Woolf proposed that women should take time to practice what they are good at. Often times women are too caught up in family ties that they don't take time to express themselves.
M. Mead:

1. What are the temperamental traits of women? Of men?
-  Women are weak, clingy, 
- Men are dominant, brave, more aggressive, strong
- She also explains that some temperaments are not gender specific. 
2. What price does a society pay for restricting the opportunities of one sex or the other?
- Society would pay, because some women aren't cut out to be mothers, and some men aren't cut out for war. Many people are born with specific gifts, and they have to suppress those gifts. This gives society a penalization. "girls can be trained exactly as boys are trained, taught the same code, the same forms of expression, the same occupation. 
3. Given that our culture has standardized temperamental expectations for each sex, what price does the opposite sex pay for that standardization?
- Such systems would be wasteful of certain gifts that people have. A woman may be excellent at shooting a gun during a battle, but instead she has to be a housewife and mother. A man might be good at baking or cooking, but instead he has to work in a factory or go to war. 
4. Why should our modern industrialized society be concerned about the ways of “primitive” cultures?
-  We should be  worried that women will revert back to strict regime. They will let men take over the household again. Woman are continuously being downgraded and used as objects. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Women Rights, Diversity, and Education for Negros

1. Define the phrase "pernicious effects" on the basis of what is stated in the essay.
- Wollstonecraft's essay is all about women rights. She mentions that women do not have the privileges that men do, and men control their wife's. This makes women feel inferior. She advocates that if women are treated better, and fairly like their husbands, they will be more willing. " would men but generously snap our chains, and be content with rational fellowship instead of slavish obedience, they would find us more observant  daughters, more affectionate sisters, more faithful wives, more reasonable mothers-- in a word, better citizens." 
2. Is it possible to compare women with property on the basis of this essay?
- Yes, Women are treated as if they are owned by their husbands and the ways of society. They are not allowed to vote, go to war, or express their own ways. Instead they are confined to their homes like property.

3. Clarify in what way the “unnatural distinctions” affecting women in society cause them to behave
as Wollstonecraft says they do. Do you feel it is a genuine cause-
and-effect relationship?
- I believe that the way women were treated then made them stronger now. Their days of being inferior made them really see what they deserve. They were oppressed for so long that they decided to take action and gain equality.
4. Describe Diversity in Schools according to Kozol and what your definition would be.
-  Kozol believed that diversity in schools was more so racial segregation. Educatiors just didnt want to call it this. The schools he visited had about a 99% student body of blacks and hispanics. Only a few were white. White kids went to "better" schools. A school with  diversity would have students of all races. 

5. What does Woodson mean by mis-education?
Mis education happened with Negros. They were considered to be dumb, and they were taught that way. They missed out on education. The thesis of Dr. Woodson's book is that blacks of his day were being culturally indoctrinated, rather than taught, in American schools.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Montessori's Method of Education
1. What is the basis of scientific pedagogy for Montessori?
- Pedagogy is the scientific method of instruction. Her method was to have an environment that is suitable for her learners. Such as: children sized chairs, sinks, bathrooms, etc. She wanted to have children teach each other while not blunting their natural impulse to learn. 

2. How does school furniture affect the education of the child?
- School furniture is a trap. You sit in the exact same desk every day for hours and become stationary and bored. Montessori states " the principle of slavery still pervades pedagogy, and, therefore, the same principle pervades the school." These desks are scientifically made by anthropologists, physiologists, and psychologists to fit a persons body requirements; however, these desks are hard and make people humpbacked. 
3. What effect does freedom have on the education of the child?

- freedom allows a child to try and try again as much as they want. They can also teach each other. Freedom gives a child a chance to learn in their own way without someone instructing them all the time. 

Dewey's Education System
4. What does Dewey seem to mean by the expression "thinking in education"?
- " Thinking which is not connected with increase of efficiency in action, and with learning more about ourselves and the world in which we live, has something the matter with it just as thought." Thinking is the method of intelligent learning. you can teach someone something without teaching them to think about it. 
5. What conditions must exist for the student to use thinking in education?
- Conditions such as experience, opportunities, appliances, more material cause children to think.

6. What seems to be the best process of education, according to Dewey?
- Instruction seems to be the best process of education, because it produces good habits of thinking. Students should be able to acquire and test their ideas.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Progress of  Opulence

1. How would you defend Smith's view as expressed in this essay?
- I would agree with Smiths view on the progress of opulence.  Circulation of commerce between the city and the country is what makes a community and its economy stronger. Both rely on each other and provide for each other. Opulence is defined as having great wealth or luxuriousness. This opulence is first gained in one palace, then, when that village, as smith refers, is prosperous they can spread that wealth with others. A village should first expand its own opulence before it evolves. Smith believes that " The great commerce of every civilized society, is that carried on between the inhabitants of the town and those of the country.”(page 445 in Of Natural Progress of Opulence) I think that we rely too much on exports and imports with other countries and fail to rely on our own. How often do you see a product with a "made in the USA" tag?

2. Wealthy people think that our big investments come from machines, or technology. I disagree because agriculture is what prospers everything. Kentucky is one of the leading states in producing agriculture, and without it most of us would be jobless. Land can still have a huge impact on the USA today if we use it wisely. Instead, we focus more on the buildings, or business.

3. Again. today the US directs its manufactured goods on exports and imports with other countries.” According to the natural course of things, therefore, the greater part of the capital of every growing society is, first, directed to agriculture, afterwards to the manufacturers, and last of all to foreign commerce.” (page 449). I think that smiths statement is true, and we need to take it more seriously.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Is America an Affluent Society?

1. Yes, America is an Affluent society. The USA is one of the most intelligent and wealthy countries. We focus our priorities on imports and exports, and it has strengthened us greatly. "An affluent society that is also both compassionate and rational would, no doubt, secure to all who needed it the minimum income essential for decency and comfort." Welfare, health insurance, financial aid, and charities are all things that America provides to the unfortunate. The only way to stop poverty is to help the people. This starts with enforcing children to go to school, feeding them, creating ample housing, and keeping the streets clean. America has all of this. We have created an ample school curriculum, as well as attendance policies. Also, it is made aware that students live in clean environments and live a healthy lifestyle.  "These needs also be attacked  even more directly-- by giving the mobility that is associated with plentiful, good, and readily available housing... and by eliminating the special health handicaps that afflict the poor. " (Galbraith page 507)


2. The government should always have jobs readily available to people who loose their job to the businesses financial downfall. however: people who got fired according to their own faults should find a job on their own. For example, here in Kentucky our coal industry is running out of places to mine. This is not the miners fault so they should be compensated with a job readily on hand when their job no longer stands. "Advanced economics like the United States will continue to generate stable numbers of new in-person service jobs, of course, the automation of older ones notwithstanding ... three new jobs open for aerobics instructors" (Reich page 523). Job opportunities  are always changing. 

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Bourgeoisie VS Proletariat
1. what is the economic condition of the Bourgeoisie?
-  The bourgeois is the Higher power who are the owners of all land. They were originally the people who founded America. Today, they are known as the middle class, or industrial millionaires. There goal is to move on from the past and create a bigger, and better industry. " It must nestle everywhere, settle everywhere, establish connections everywhere." (page 459)

What is the economic condition of the Proletariat?
- The Proletarians were lower class workers that made the wealth for the country, but owned no land. The Bourgeoisie controlled them. " Not only are they the slaves of the bourgeois class and of the bourgeois state, they are daily and hourly enslaved by the machine, by the over looker, and, above all, by the individual bourgeois manufacturer himself." (page 462) They despised the bourgeois, and tried to retaliate against them. 

2. How does the expanding world market for goods affect national identity?
- In the eyes of the bourgeois, machines and goods were always improving. Improvement meant power. Marketed goods traveled all over the world, and you always had to have the best and newest product. The more places you sold to, the more your national identity will grow. 

3. What benefits does Marx expect communism to provide the proletariat? 
- The communists represent the movement as a whole. They want both parties to be happy. Their main goal is to help the proletarians form their own class and overthrow the bourgeois supremacy. They do this by helping the Proletarians gain their well deserved, self acquired property. 

I do think that wealthy people should follow Carnegie's example in " The Gospel of Wealth" because their money should be shared at a considerable amount. Wealth is usually passed down from generation to generation, and people don't put the money to good use. " This, then, is  held to be the duty of the man of Wealth: first, to set an example of modest, ostentatious living, shunning display, or extravagance: to provide moderately for the legitimate wants of those dependent upon him... " (page 493). Bill Gates, the creator of Microsoft, has done so much for people, and the world of technology. His contributions have helped citizens tremendously already. I think that his decision to devote and provide his wealth to the people will help tremendously. It will not completely solve the problem of the Rich and the Poor: however, he will be setting a great example for how money should be spent. 

Here is a video about Bill Gate's rules for success

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Aristotle and the signing of the constitution 

1.  How might Aristotle have responded to the painting by Howard Chandler Christy of the signing of the Constitution of the United States (p. 57)?
- Aristotle would have enjoyed the painting. It relates to Aristotle's representation of democracy in which everyone votes, and has equal rights. He also would have liked seeing the different representatives of each state. This painting represents many different people coming together equally. 

2.How many different "elements" of society are represented in this painting?
- George Washington stands firmly in the lime light, because he is the president. The cabinet ( Franklin and Hamilton) stands behind  him, because they are his followers. Congressmen and the house  of representatives stand before him representing their state.  Last, but not least, the common folk stand in the background representing that they are just as equal as the higher parts. 

3. Would Aristotle have assumed that the government being formed was a democracy or an oligarchy? Why or Why not?
- Since Aristotle was more supportive of a democracy, he would most likely assume that the government formed was a democracy. He supported a government that doesn't let the ruler have too much power, and let people have equal rights. This is what the constitution stands for.

4. Research the men who signed the Constitution. How well did they represent the elements of society of the newly formed country?
- The men who signed the constitution were mostly commoners excersizing their right to consent the governed. Others, such as the president, cabinet, congressmen, and house represented the Government itself, and how it supported peoples rights and freedom. 

5. Read Tocqueville, “Government by Democracy in America,”. Compare this reading to that of Aristotle's reading.
- In Tocqueville's "Government by Democracy in America" he is traveling to america from France to evaluate our new government. Aristotle was also evaluating government.  They both believe in a Democracy, and that power and equality should be given to the people. however, Tocqueville believes that more power should be given to the executive rather than legislative branch. 

Thursday, September 15, 2016

How Martin Luther King JR. and Henry Thoreau compare 

Above is a video about Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther kings activism in defeating segregation is well known. In his letter from the Birmingham jail he refers to conscience as a guide to obeying just laws and defying unjust laws. In comparison, Henry David Thoreau also believes in disobeying unjust laws in his writing "civil Disobedience. " King, like Thoreau, was willing to suffer for his views, especially when he found himself faced with punitive laws denying civil rights to all citizens." (page 375 in " A World of Ideas") . The only difference is that Thoreau wanted the Government to "stand by" and let the people govern themselves. Martin Luther king only wanted the oppressed people to have the same freedom as the oppressor. I do believe Martin Luther could have read "Civil Disobedience" simply because his values ran along the same line as Thoreau.  
Cicero's "Defense of Justice"
Cicero believes that justice always changes through time, and everyone always has a different opinion about it. “Justice is not one static thing, it changes over time and in different places because its not like a rock, tree, or color.” Humans are the reasons for unjust laws. They didnt just appear. " But the point is that laws are not imposed on us by
nature—or by our innate sense of justice. They are imposed by
the fear of being penalized. In other words, human beings are
not just, by nature, at all" We, humans, are the cause for our own destruction" 

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Henry David Thoreau "Civil Disobedience"

In Thoreau's " Civil Disobedience" his motto is " That Government is best which governs least" Thoreau believed that the Government has too much power over the people. Citizens  should stand up for their civil rights Thoreau is trying to encourage people to resist a government that makes bad decisions. He basically wants them to disobey unjust laws and abolish slavery. He cares less about government rights, and more about individual rights. 
" How does it become a man to behave toward this American government today? I answer, that he cannot without disgrace be associated with it. I cannot for an instant recognize that political organization as my government which is the slaves government also. " Thoreau would not obey a government that gave slaves less freedom than himself, when in reality they live under the same government and should have equal rights.Morally, he thought that he should stand up for what he believed in no matter what the circumstances were. Slavery was a huge issue then, and he did everything he could to abolish it. 

The Mexican war was an act of bullying, It involved stealing land from a weaker nation. President Polk annexed Texas in 1845, and caused Mexico to retaliate. "witness the present Mexican war, the work of comparatively a few individuals using the standing government as their tool, for in the outset the people would not have consented to this measure." says Thoreau. This type of war was unethical, because the smaller country was only trying to protect their land, while the larger and more powerful country took it. 

Thursday, September 1, 2016

"Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains" Rousseau says. Many men believe that they have power over others when they don't. In a republic, such as the U.S.A, men are born free, but they have laws and regulations that don't allow them to do some things. Rousseau's way tends to revolve around a republic view. He says " However strong a man, he is never strong enough to remain master always, unless he transforms his might into right, and obedience into Duty." This is why we vote for a president that can only be in office for 4-8 years. Rousseau agrees that a leader should allow his people to vote for what they believe in, and also voice their opinions over what should be done in the government. He wants everyone to agree on everything, get along, and respect each other. However, I do not think his way of thinking will work, nor has it ever worked before. People won’t get along and agree on everything. Personalities and opinions get in the way of that.

Below is the song free falling by tom petty

The Declaration wasn't trying to pick a fight or rebellion.  It simply wanted to state a moral and legal right of Independence. Jefferson wrote that the people have freedom and power over the government, while Machiavelli thought the government had power over the people. Machiavelli believed in strict and brutal power, where as the declaration the declaration implys that people are free and everyone is created equal. Jefferson wanted to justify freedom for the people of the United States, and if that caused rebellion, he would rebel. I think Jefferson would have taken Machiavelli's advice into consideration; however, i do not believe he would follow it because it goes against the Declaration of Independence and what it stands for
                                                 Signing The Declaration Of Independence 


Tuesday, August 30, 2016

lou-tzu vs Machiavelli

Lao-tzu                                                                 VS.                                           Machiavelli



  • He believed people were equal  
  • The king is to stand in the shadows and let the people make decisions.
  • A king should be loved and feared, but not despised
  • He believed that the world is sacred and cannot be changed.
  • There is a time for everything.
  • Emphasizes that a king should let the world revolve around him and he should not change it.
  • Weapons are to be used for protection, not war.
  • The world, and people govern.
  • "Governing a large country is like frying a small fish. You spoil it with too much poking." verse 60.


  • Thought that politicians shouldn't be friendly and kind.
  • Effective leading comes from a dark person
  • You cant be a good person and a good politician.
  • A prince should be unapproachably strict.
  • A prince should be feared, not loved.
  • Virtu' - wisdom- strategy-strength-bravery-ruthlessness.
  • "Criminal virtue"- waging wars and killings without being named bad.
  • Effectiveness and niceness cant go together.
These brief notes only touch on what Machiavelli and lao-tzu believed in. They were two totally different characters. Lao-tzu is someone that I would like the best. He is nice and considerate; however, he doesn't get anything done on his own. His people do the work for him. Machiavelli is ruthless and arrogant. He only want what is best for the politician.
       I can see Lao-tzu being really laid back and listening to classical music.

I can see Machiavelli being a hard core war general and listening to war music