Thursday, September 1, 2016

"Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains" Rousseau says. Many men believe that they have power over others when they don't. In a republic, such as the U.S.A, men are born free, but they have laws and regulations that don't allow them to do some things. Rousseau's way tends to revolve around a republic view. He says " However strong a man, he is never strong enough to remain master always, unless he transforms his might into right, and obedience into Duty." This is why we vote for a president that can only be in office for 4-8 years. Rousseau agrees that a leader should allow his people to vote for what they believe in, and also voice their opinions over what should be done in the government. He wants everyone to agree on everything, get along, and respect each other. However, I do not think his way of thinking will work, nor has it ever worked before. People won’t get along and agree on everything. Personalities and opinions get in the way of that.

Below is the song free falling by tom petty

The Declaration wasn't trying to pick a fight or rebellion.  It simply wanted to state a moral and legal right of Independence. Jefferson wrote that the people have freedom and power over the government, while Machiavelli thought the government had power over the people. Machiavelli believed in strict and brutal power, where as the declaration the declaration implys that people are free and everyone is created equal. Jefferson wanted to justify freedom for the people of the United States, and if that caused rebellion, he would rebel. I think Jefferson would have taken Machiavelli's advice into consideration; however, i do not believe he would follow it because it goes against the Declaration of Independence and what it stands for
                                                 Signing The Declaration Of Independence 


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